Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Connect what is described in this Blog to what is described on the Appoline Print Blog's

Now it is Self Evident this woman didnt know about Gansgtalking because it's not mentioned in any of her blog's before June 2009-Reveiw the Blogs online-- and understand this 35-40 % of her Blogs are kept offline-By the Goverenement and their associated Oraganized Stalking Beurau of Technolgy that is listed uinder A Gansgtalker Confess's online-a section of their organized crime-
Remeber AA is Court Appointed-in EVERY CITY STATE across the Nation-Doe's this Technolgy have the influence to make you thirsty and does it/Is it synthesized to be Morphed to the Voice algorithm of a Targets voice "I think Ill go have a Drink then they Transmitt this Morphed Voice to the Audio Cortex of a Targets Brain-using their Voice algorithm -You Tube Voice Morphing-You Tube and Google Remote Neural Monitoring-target goes has a Drink and guess who is waiting outside of teh bar ready to bust her to send her to court to then Send her to AA-The Police-a syndacted Police Officer-Boom Police Officers working to usher you into Human Traffickers hands-Do you See Read the Technolgy Synthesize the Incorporated Capabilties do the math and see its all about Money--John Hall his Video's Sattilite Terrorism He even mentions this technogy can make you thirsty it can LITERALLY LITERALLY Put thought's into your Head-LITERALLY-Alls you have to do is read-

Human Trafficking Court Ordered=and they are aware she Know's it-because they have already tried it with her in Dearborn Mi-DIRECTLEY at AA Meeting-Remote Neural Monitoring/Influenicing/Stimulating was also used on her at these meeting and this woman also witnessed them using it on other woman at these Meeting Woman that were Breaking down Physically and Literally Neurally Before her VERY EYE"S-
Woman and Young Men for sale Sexual Slavery Servitude Human Trafficking-And they will sell the Children of these people once they have totally destroyed the Familie's they go after because they Black List Targets from Employment-Thats all over the Internet who has power Postitions within the Community to Black List you-Government-Chamber of Commerce connected and their attached to each City hall and their attached and Held accountible to the Sate Capitol because of tax Reasons their accountable to the Federal Governement in Many ways because of Fedearal Funding Each State gets so dont tell me for a Minute these Sacnted out Freaks are not connected to the Goverenement-Its Goverenement Protected-
This Blog was written in the name of this Defense less Helpless Learning Disabled WOman who is still being Tortured TO THis Day she is Know in California San Diego-and the Electronic Harrassment their still using on her today-is actually now understood by her to be what they used on her in Daerborn on Steadman and Appoline Leonard and Monroe Apartmenets and tehir is a Law in maine Massachutesses and Michigan concerning Electronic Harrasssment-and her exsponser works for Glbal Crossing a COMMUNICATIONS Comapany-Sattalite Terrorism do the math-RESEARCH everthing in the Michigan LAW Throurghley and you will see this is what they use-And PS LST month San Diego had a Huge Huge Black out-It was all over the paper-this woman did not experience any electronic Harrassment that night at all until it was turned back on-she noticed it right away-for hours

The text that is bigger in size are the tactics that were written by this target/victim of Gansgtalking YEARS before she even discoverd what was happining to her was GangStalking-Thhe enlarged Text shows what is described in Appoline Print 2 Blog's-Pertaining to the Sobriety at 11 00 AM Meeting and the Priority envelope what was written in it and then what was said to her at the meeting concerning what was written in this priority envelope then-regurgitated towards her as she was approaching the end of the stairs entering this meeting they were implmenting a street theater and the theme of it was to regurgitate what was writyten in the priority envelope -6 hours before it was delivered-Now Observe this
Under their Technique's Page

Directed Conversations
These are conversations that complete strangers will have out in public relating to the target and their personal situations. Eg. They will repeat things a target said in their home, or on the phone. They will let drop very personal details into the conversation, that could only be related to the target.
Eg. Civilian Spy #1. It’s a shame Uncle Ed won’t be able to come.
Civilian Spy #2. Yeah since he died golfing on Saturday.
The target will just have learned of a death of a favored uncle, (possibly named Ed.) while out golfing.
Mail and Email tampering
Civilian spies/snitches will steal your mail. They will delay the delivery of your mail, and they will also make sure that your mail does not arrive. The other thing they are known for is the tampering of email. They will delay email, delete email, and stop email that you have sent from arriving
  • Doing little things to try to make the target think that they are going crazy.

  • Coming into their homes, moving their furniture around.

  • Changing clothing that they bought and replacing it with similar, but inferior items.

  • Taking small items and then replacing them later on.Gassing/Poisoning
    Spraying fumes or scents into a targets home. Tampering with their food to make them become very ill.

  • Illegal Entry
  • To gaslight the target.

  • It’s used to help profile the target.

  • To set up illegal surveillance.

  • It’s a way to find out intimate details about the targets. This can be used later to set up the target by using people in photo albums, or by directed conversations about things in the targets apartment.Illegal Surveillance
    This involves setting up audio and some visual surveillance of the target.

  • Bugging the targets phone.

  • Surveillance in the targets residence

  • Listening to cell phone and hard line conversations.

  • Hacking into their computers and learning all about what the target is doing, sites they frequent.

  • This also helps to build a profile of the target, and it’s also used for later psychological attacks against the target.Illuminating Targets
    This is something that the East German Statsi secret police did to targets. They would spray the targets clothing with materials that would make them glow, or they would irradiate the targets with X-ray machines so that targets would start to glow in the dark, making it easier to follow them. Some targets have reported extreme visibility at night. It’s hard to believe countries outside of East Germany would use such a practice, but it’s a possiblity that should not be over looked.

  • http://formationquay.wordpress.com/
    Psychological Violence. Example: 12 Step Meetings/Recovery
    November 12, 2006 in Alcoholics Anonymous, crime, Gang Stalking, psychology, recovery, Street Harassment | 22 comments
    Terror stalking is done at AA meetings, targeting individuals who are innocent people and victims of either cult revenge or a wider phenomena known as multistalking. Through a carefully worked out scheme that involves seating arrangements, and crafted posturing by AA/NA memebers, and stalking, along with carefully directed discussion or monologues, the individual who is the target of this psychological violence is led into feelings of unease, unsettleness, and anxiety. This is usually done after a target has been slandered, and a senitization of the slander theme has been done to the target.
    The criminals involved in this psychological violence will have debilitated the victims self confidence und undermined the victims psychology, prior to the meeting by using senitizations related to themes of a slandering campaign, subtle disrespects and an array of covert harassment techniques that may include taste alterations of drinks served at the meeting, or directed converstaions with the victim before the meeting. Overall, the victim will have been conditioned to feel a heightened level of self-conscious and unease, thus laying the ground work for the person to appear unsettled when certain planned topics or words are said in the meeting during the open disscussion monologues.   
    All this is done to discredit the victim of this crime, in a carefully planned and executed psychological assault.
    The person will typically have been labeled, through slander, as having hidden dark secrets, or as having committed some heinous crime, to members of the meeting who are not part of the psychological harassment activity, and have no knowledge of it . These members of the meeting, who may include members of a neighborhood watch, will be asked by those perpetrating the harassment , to observe the target when a monologue uses certain words, or when it goes into or touches on certain topics that are associated with the the content of the slander.
    All that is told to these people, the on lookers and recipients of the slander, is that certain topics will be brought up on purpose to see whether the person, the victim, has some reaction. The victim, being senitized to these topics related to the slander, through an array of psychological harassments,  in a on going campaing over a long period  of time, is utterly defenseless. 
    After such a well crafted psychological staging, the victim appears, in the eyes of these, perhaps invited on lookers, in the meeting, to have commited some crime, for the victim will appear to have some sensitivity to the topics chosen, thus leading people to believe the slander. Typically, the victims in these assults are innocent people, who’s lives are being trashed and wrecked by criminals, memeber of AA/NA, or fellow clients within recovery facilities.           
    The recovery industry, Alcoholics Anonymous,  and other 12 Step Groups seem to be arenas where the phenomena of terror stalking is able to be orchestrated with precision. The moral health of many people in recovery has been battered through years of lying, cheating, stealing, and other criminal activity. They can easily be led into the activities of terror stalking, cult revenge, and covert harassment. The victims of these crimes commited in 12 Step Groups, AA, and the recovery industry are usually helpless. Having no way to defend themselves from the slander, and victims of the covert psychological harassments that are done to substantiate the slander, over a long period of time, they become the weak, preyed upon by vicious criminally inclined people, who by acting as a group, are not only veiled from any possible acknowledgement of the terrible wrong commited against an innocent defenseless person, but are vindicated from any guilt that may derive from taking pleasures in such a dirty crime.
    The substantiations of the slander that result from the craft of psychological sensitization and staged assults in a structured environment, are shallow and weak. None the less people are suffering and their lives are being destroyed by a groups of people who validate some false moral reformation that they seemingly have been brought through the groups ethos of AA/NA, by stalking, harassing and partaking in psychological violence directed at defenseless innocent people, who become targets of hate.
    This hate serves to galvanize the groups as a whole, creating the impression of having great power and total control. In addictions, as admitted in the 12 steps of AA, these people are powerless over a substance, or some may interpret it as a powerlessness over the addiction, and that they have no control within their lives. Seems to be that these people have issues with control and power.
    Unity in the destructive hate crime of terror stalking, covertly done, gives them a sense of total control, and great power, in that the victim is turely at their mercy, defenseless. AA  unity also creates a shared element where all have seemingly come out of a past life that was founded on deficiencies in moral character, and now share the glory of sobriety, which to many of these people means their moral character is mystically revamped. The hidden aspect of the exercises of terror stalking lend greatly to such a people.
    Through heinous psychological violence perpetrated on an innocent person, these memebrs achieve a sense of moral uprightness that could not be achieved in the world outside of AA, or the recovery industry.  AA/NA and the recovery community is a safe haven for people who have long sorted pasts, and are morally corrupt. The facilities of the recovery community and meetings of AA/NA are all places where terror stalking can be carefully planned and done, to innocent people with little defense. Is this not a kind of rape, a violent act in which power is used to do great harm, injury and injustice, to the defenseless.
    minigh d. (waterinch)


    1. This does happen - it happened to me. And recently... Here are some of the specifics... This is an excerpt from an email I wrote to a friend as to my concern that I might have to return to a living situation where attending certain AA mtgs were a requirement to live there, As with many T.I.'s ive not been able to find work and have constantly been on the verge of homelessness... has been integral with the orchestration of all gaslighting within, at the very least, the AA meetings I'm required to attend with him every morning MON - FRI from 8:30am to 9:30am Location: Bedford Park Congregational Church. 3008 Bainbridge Avenue, 1st floor @ 201st Street Name of Group - (you're gonna love this) "You Get What You Need"... An average of 8 to 12 people attend this group, occasionally but often more. But almost always those who come to that Mon to Fri meeting are from the same small group/pool of people, which makes the well coordinated abuse meted out against me on a daily basis very easy to achieve !

      There are also two weekly evening meeting's at the same location Tuesday evening 7pm until 8pm name of this group is "Acceptance" (as is listed in the official AA meeting list and website) or possibly just "The Gunhill Group", certainly its one of the two. and Thursday 7:15pm until 8:15pm the name of this group is The Gunhill Group. Both these evening meetings have a larger consistent attendance and though I don't see these people an a daily basis, they are however, via Pats, made aware if I plan to attend or not. When I have it's been, as is to be expected, abusive, though more overtly. I guess because these people don't have to look a target in the eye the next day or more likely that abusing the hell out of someone once or twice a week, in a larger crowd is easier to hide and less obvious to any possible members who, like I was, not aware that such tactic existed within the hallowed walls of AA...

      Then there are the following weekend meetings Sat - this is an Open meeting. location 409 East 241st Street (between McLean & Martha avenue) 10470 Name of Group Early Morning Sobriety (Aka EMS) Sunday - Unfortunately not 100% sure as to name/address of this group as only attended once due to its especially abusive nature. So many of the specific things I have been "sensitized" to were present at this meeting. As this was such a concentrated and over the top example and display of this, when coupled with the high number of those in attendance, perhaps exceeding 50 but as this was an "anniversary" meeting and the only one I've attended I' unable to say if this represents the average or consistent number of those who attend...

    2. If your available I'd like to exchange information about this subject with you. As I came upon part of why this has occurred..
      Ans needs complaints as much as possible..

    3. Please reach out to me I’m desperately seeking someone going thru the same thing lovelylailana@icloud.com
